Mumbai Navi Mumbai
Acne without a doubt - is a teenager's most despised problem. Acne pimples, cysts, blackheads and whiteheads can ravage a young person's skin and destroy self-esteem. The best time to begin acne treatment is as soon as it becomes evident. Acne usually progressively worsens if untreated.
Several options are available. Patients with mild acne may be treated with Blu-U Light or prescription medications. For severe cases, Accutane, laser treatment or photodynamic therapy may be recommended.
Lasers have become the treatment of choice today for acne scars. Lasers work by stimulating collagen production in the skin, thereby smoothing out scars. This can be accomplished in a non-ablative fashion (without removing tissue), ablative fashion (vaporizing or removing outer layers of skin) or in a microablative (microscopically removing tissue). The microablative or fractional method of resurfacing skin which the Fraxel laser uses has revolutionized the treatment for acne scars has become the gold standard today.
Non laser related treatments for acne scars consist of dermal filler injections, fat transfer, dermabrasion and surgery. Filler injections are the most popular of these options and this involves the use of specialized products (Restylane, Juvederm) to stretch or fill out the scars or to replace volume loss under the skin to make the scars look better.
The Intense Pulsed Light Systems (IPL) are very useful in treating red acne scars and blemishes, targeting the tiny blood vessels that give these marks a red colour. Whether the scars are flat, raised or depressed, the energy from these specialized systems can make these annoying marks less visible. They are very commonly used in combination with the Fraxel which smoothens the scars out.